Sunday, 25 May 2014

Training and nutrition diary Week: the hybrid

The name of the blog entries have changed. I'm now settled on a hybrid diet of velocity and green faces (VELGF) TM! Haha.

It looks like this:

Morning fast (ideally strength training)
2 x meal replacement drinks
6 eggs with chicken breast portion (1/2)
Broccoli and spinach 

Also returned to my greens drink in the morning. Feels like it's helping already.

Wednesday 28

Weighed in this morning at 79.7 (-8.7) the 2/2 shakes and meal formula with fasting is the ideal blend for me and highly effective. My training has been 1 lift per day (Monday - goblet squat & Tuesday - chin ups) again I over this style as it's sparing on energy. I will sprint/row/cycle in bursts daily (but it's not a priority yet). Had dry needling done today I could be off training for a day or two. Can do light sprints tomorrow and maybe some core work - no disaster, good time to dial in the diet to super strict carb intake. 

Starting to get more ketone taste in my mouth this week and feel and look visibly leaner in places, need to keep this 10-12 day run going to next weekend and feel I could make massive steps towards single digit bf%.

Thursday 29

Weighed in at 79kg (-9.4) think I've hit the sweet spot for weight/fat loss with daytime shakes and high protein meal in evening (modified warrior diet) so will try to keep the same system. It's not easy but it's not that tough either. Shoulder still hurting from dry needling so 50/50 on training today.

Did first day of easy strength 40 day program, avoiding shoulder and was "easy" - I will keep this going every day, I like the process of strength practise, it takes very little time too - which helps.

Additional Note: to avoid sounding gross my toilet stops have been unbelievably different over the past 2 days. Elimination is a vital part of health, if it ain't happening regularly, you're not going to feel great. More on this as the diary goes on but it seems like one massive feed a day is doing incredible things for the bowels. Say no more.

Two meals, two shakes today - that's easy to maintain.

Friday 30

Weighed In at 79kg. had extra hour in bed and felt good, weekend target is to get to Monday at 78.5 or 78. 

Waking - 11am to 12noon is water/coffee

12 - 5/6pm is shakes

6-7pm I'm eating one large protein heavy meal

Saturday 31

Weighed in at 79kg today, pretty steady, happy to stay here. Took my greens drink today which shows an attitude shift towards my weekends. In gym doing day 3 easy strength program at 0845. Drank 2 coffees, the milk feels really crappy now so I'm done with it. Had 1 shake then one large meal at 1730, chicken, wedges and sweet potato (boomerang) not first choice but not a disaster. No food until tomorrow evening. Possibly just shakes through Monday lunchtime and past Monday bootcamp.

Sunday 1

Weighed in at 80.2kg. 13 days until pictures for blog story, no more huge feedings, sizes of single meal wil naturally reduce. Redo bf% on Friday this week and adjust cardio/sprints/carbs for last week accordingly.

Trained today (4) easy strength and feeling good. 

1230 - pre workout shake
1430 - post workout meal (sashimi pieces x 12, banana)

24 hour fast commences. Good week, felt really good midweek and tapered off Friday/Saturday. Need to put the next 7 days down as the best yet. 

- absolutely no fruit or dairy
- smaller last meal of the day (big not massive)
- lane sprints to end some workouts
- slow 'rag doll' runs on sat and sun while carb depleted.
- no cheat meals

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