Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Taming the velocity diet: an experiment in rapid fat loss. Part 1

About 5 weeks ago I started a fat loss regime that would involve a lot of fasting and protein shakes. I will post a new blog every day for the past 5 weeks, ending on Saturday with my final pics and results. 

Here's what happened...

Only a few times in my life I've tried the infamous velocity diet and After reading Dan Johns "never let go" I was once again reminded of the simple and sinister challenge that it gives.

Starting bodyfat numbers:

Suprailiac - 6mm
Bicep - 4mm
Tricep - 5mm
Scapula - 11mm

Bodyweight 88.3 (2nd highest I can remember)
Waist 33.1" (biggest I can remember measuring)

Looking at the numbers my bodyfat is 'okay', but my goals are to be continuously single figure % whilst staying as strong and muscular as possible. The velocity diet promises "no muscle losses" and "all fat loss" - let's see if that's the case. My targets are:

Total weight - 80kg (-8)
Lean body weight - 73.24 (-2)
Bodyfat weight - 6.96 (-6)

I'm predicting that I will considerably drop waist size, as I'm eliminating foods that I know make me bloated (bread, milk, dairy, alcohol). 

Waist target is 30.5" (-2.5)

Velocity diet: the numbers

21 days
12 weight training sessions
6 sprinting sessions
6 (targeted) yoga sessions
100 protein shakes
200 fish oils capsules
42 cold water immersions 
105 litres of drinking water
21 green teas
21 supergreens/spirulina drink
3 steak dinners

Here I will keep a Velocity diet diary, detailing the key challenges, feelings to help others in their potential Vdiet attempts.

Sunday, May 4 (Pre day 1)

Decided to eat some off-menu foods today like granola, fruit, sushi, milky coffee, white chocolate, etc. I also want to try some brief daily meditation focused on the challenge and the detoxing of my body over the next 3 weeks. It's actually more mental than physical.

Agreed the terms of a buy-out clause with fellow employee DC (who is on same diet), they are:

Week 1 - $100
Week 2 - $300
Week 3 - $500

This is purely an idea to keep us on point for the whole challenge, honesty is the only way we can really go with it.

Monday, May 5 (day 1)

Today was ok, not hard at all yet but started to want lunch/food at the usual time. No real hunger pangs. Trained upper body weights and walked a lot (20k steps atleast). Slept good.

Tuesday, May 6

Weighed in this morning at 85.5 (-2.8) the diet already working its inflammatory magic! No training today as very busy with PT and work. It's becoming already very clear that I need to do the following every day:

Revisit the goal of this 21 days challenge and stay on track with that mentally.
Sleep as much as possible while staying productive

2-4pm seems like a genuine down time for me so ideal nap time. Early to bed also seems to be the answer, 9pm is the goal daily.

Wednesday, May 7

Weighed in at 84.6kg (-3.7) this morning, felt well rested and had an extra hour in bed so great start. Experienced the afternoon lull which is fine, I plan a lengthy nap every day with the dogs, they love it! Took 17000 steps today which was okay and did sprints with a light weights session. Anticipate that training intensity will return after weekend - keen to just get through week one in one piece and on track.

Thursday, May 8

Weighed in at 83.4kg (-4.9) that's another 1.2 in 24 hours!!! Enjoyed a Relative lay in today, 7am alarm which I'm assuming will help a lot, I'm feeling so much better when I wake up later - I can't wait for the weekend as I plan 2 big sleep ins! Visually seeing a difference already, I'm thinking of switching the training to 'one lift per day' for next week. This way I think I can maintain strength and muscle in all the big areas and keep as much mass as possible. Training without the thought of a post workout meal is tiring in itself. 

Today was easier, I woke up hungry and thought it would be a long day. Mid afternoon naps are great! Supplementing with melatonin tonight as finding it hard to sleep in evening. Few people commenting on Facebook that diet is crazy, that just spurs me on - MY goals are to be sub 8% bodyfat this summer not to go out drinking every weekend - I'm on the way to that.

Friday, May 9

Weighed in 83.4 (no change) so the weight finally stopped. Trained 45 minutes shoulder press and pull ups, decided to lift one muscle part every day, with 3/4 x 300m sprints in the week from Monday.

Brought my meal forward as I went to Luke's for lunch with a client and co worker, so this means I now have 9 days until my next solid (including an engagement party) so navigating that should be fun! Felt good in gym, really seen an improvement in bodyfat when training, can't wait to wake up Monday feeling fresh and focused.

Saturday, May 10

I added a different type of flaxseed today and acidophilus (healthy gut bacteria) - thinking it would be a good idea to use this "detox" to actually improve gut health. Should be an excellent addition to the shakes. I Also Cacoa nibs which are high in antioxidants and fill out the chocolate shakes, I will keep those back for my evening "treat" shake of PB/chocolate.

Woke today at 0930am, had a black coffee and took the greyhounds to fort canning do some bootcamp recon work - Mapping out where I can take my Monday evening group during sessions. Great low level fat loss and a chance to get some fasting in for extra results.

Sunday, May 11

Weighed in 83kg (-5.3) this morning. What's interesting about this (and creates a genuine challenge in the future) is that my weight is going to be lower on a Monday than a Friday... A rare occasion. Can I challenge clients to be lighter on Mondays than on Fridays? 2 more of those weekends should do me well in this challenge. Converted over to "one lift a day program" and today is leg press with a final burn out set on leg curl/extension machines.

New program template looks like this:

A) 5 minutes Ab work
B) 45 minutes of primary lift (or pair if selected)
C) burn out set (30+ to failure)

Today I have:

Weighted Cable crunch (4 sets)
Leg press (60 reps at 240kg)
Hamstring curl/extension (35 reps each)

Leg session felt great, really enjoying lifting again and returning to sculpting type training of my youth. I can see my physique changing too which feels good. Started to feel bored and craving food today, possibly due to fasted cardio this morning. 

Lesson: no need to chase fat burn with extra activities/exercise. Keep appetite in check, focus on daily lifting and shakes!

In body results today show 12.5% bodyfat which is quite close to accurate. Will repeat calipers and I body next to see any differences.

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